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Sergiu SPINU

Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Suceava, ROMANIA


Abstract.  A fast algorithm for elastic-plastic non-conforming contact simulation is presented in this paper. The plastic strain increment is determined using a universal integration algorithm for isotropic elastoplasticity proposed by Fotiu and Nemat-Nasser. Elastic-plastic normal contact problem is solved iteratively based on the relation between pressure distribution and plastic strain, until the latter converges. The contact between a rigid sphere and an elastic-plastic half-space is modeled using the newly proposed computer program. Numerical simulations predict that residual stresses decrease the peak intensity of the stresses induced by contact pressure, thus impeding further plastic flow. Computed pressure distributions appear flattened compared to elastic case, due to changes in both hardening state of the elastic-plastic softer material and contact conformity.


Keywords:  elastoplasticity, plastic strain increment, effective accumulated plastic strain, elastic-plastic contact




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