Laboratoire de Mécanique des Contacts et des Structures,
INSA-Lyon, CNRS UMR5259, F69621 Villeurbanne Cedex, FRANCE
2 Université Technique “Gh. Asachi”, Faculté de
Mécanique, 700050, Iasi, ROUMANIE
3 Laboratoire de Physique de la Matière Condensée
et Nanostructures, Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1, CNRS
UMR5586, F69622 Villeurbanne Cedex, FRANCE
Abstract. The aim of this work
is to identify the coupled role of the biological components of
synovial fluid in the remarkable tribological operation of a healthy
natural joint, as well as in the friction of steel and polythene
implants. It uses a realistic ex-vivo model capable of reproducing
the mechanical and physicochemical characteristics of the entire
tribological triplet of the joint, whether healthy or implanted. It
particularly focuses on the lipidic bilayers and vesicle structures
associated with synovial fluid. The analysis of the friction
measurements and fluorescence microscopy images confirm the role of
lipidic bilayers in maintaining a very low friction coefficient. In
addition, we observe that the substitute cartilage favours the
formation and maintenance of these bilayers, which is not the case
of implant materials.
synovial joint, biolubrication, molecular
assemblies, lipidic bilayers, articular cartilage
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