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Cornel SUCIU







Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Suceava, Romania


Abstract. Diaconescu, Glovnea and Petrosel [1] proposed a new technique to measure the pressure in real contacts. One of contacting surfaces is covered, prior to contact establishment, by a special gel. The contact closing removes the excess gel and, during a certain time interval, the contact pressure transforms the entrapped substance in an amorphous solid. In each point, the refractive index of this solid depends on the pressure acting during transformation. After contact opening, the reflectivity of this coating depends on the former contact pressure. Mapped by aid of a laser profilometer, it becomes an indicator of contact pressure.
The existing device used to load the contacts has a series of shortcomings. This paper proposes a new experimental set-up that can be used to load contacts with gel at the interface, and illustrates a few experimental results.


Keywords: contact pressure, refractive index, reflectivity, experimental set-up




  1. Diaconescu, E. N., Glovnea, M. L., Petroşel, O., 2003, “A New Experimental Technique to Measure Contact Pressure,” Proc. of 2003 STLE/ASME Joint International Tribology Conference, Ponte Vedra Beach, Florida USA.

  2. Diaconescu, E.N., and Glovnea, M.L., 2002, “Evaluation of Contact Area by Reflectivity,” Proc. of 3rd AIMETA International Tribology Conference, Italy, on CD.

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  6. Diaconescu, E.N. and Glovnea, M.L., 2000, “Validation of Reflectivity as an Experimental Tool in Contact Mechanics”, VAREHD 10, Suceava, pp. 471 – 476.

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